Volker Wilckens Germany_Letter from Wickens to Lundy, July 11, 1986, Wickens was flak gunner, shot plane down July 21, 1944

Volker Wilckens Germany_Letter from Wickens to Lundy, July 11, 1986, Wickens was flak gunner, shot plane down July 21, 1944_1.jpeg
Volker Wilckens Germany_Letter from Wickens to Lundy, July 11, 1986, Investigating Southern Comfort Crash near Munich, discussion of smoke and fires in bomber not being where it was hit, drawings of crash scenarios _2.jpeg
Volker Wilckens Germany_Letter from Wickens to Lundy, July 11, 1986, July 21, 1944 Mission, area where bombers shot down_Map_2.jpeg
Volker Wilckens Germany_Letter from Wickens to Lundy, July 11, 1986, July 21, 1944 Mission, area where bombers shot down_Map.jpeg
Volker Wilckens Germany_Letter from Wickens to Lundy, July 11, 1986, Drawing of Ammunition Belt Feed Motor_3.jpeg
Volker Wilckens Germany_Envelope from Volker Wilkens to Lundy .jpeg


Volker Wilckens Germany_Letter from Wickens to Lundy, July 11, 1986, Wickens was flak gunner, shot plane down July 21, 1944


The Will Lundy Collection maintained by Wings Remembered, Inc.


July 11, 1986


“Volker Wilckens Germany_Letter from Wickens to Lundy, July 11, 1986, Wickens was flak gunner, shot plane down July 21, 1944,” 44th Bomb Group Archive, accessed September 7, 2024, https://44thbombgroup.omeka.net/items/show/1743.

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