Loading Bombs into B-24 – 392nd, not 44th



Loading Bombs into B-24 – 392nd, not 44th


Notes: 392nd had a winch for the heavier bombs, but they said it took too long so they usually loaded bombs by hand. Man at back of trailer would attach tail fin, which is secured by ring collar screwed onto threads of bomb. 4 men by waist are using grappling hooks on two rods to life the bomb onto the dolly, a 3 wheeled cart. Then the bomb shackle is attached and the dolly moved under the bomb bay. Hoisted it and hooked into bomb rack. Last step to attach nose and tail fuzes. Usually a team worked on either side of same bomb bay. Beehive of activity before crews arrived.



“Loading Bombs into B-24 – 392nd, not 44th,” 44th Bomb Group Archive, accessed April 20, 2024, https://44thbombgroup.omeka.net/items/show/2405.

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