Browse Collections (58 total)

Living Sites


A couple miles south of the runway, living sites housed the average 3,000 airmen and ground crew on base at any given point of the war.

For airmen,…

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Dogs and Cats of Shipdham


Airmen at Shipdham “adopted” a huge number of cats and dogs while on base during the war. Some were strays, others came from local English villagers.…

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Trolley Missions


The Trolley Missions were flown after VE Day for ground crews to see the outcome of their efforts after 29 months of combat. Many were at Shipdham for…

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Unknown Airmen & Ground Crews


Photos taken during the war at Shipdham - where the individuals captured couldn't be identified.

View the items in Unknown Airmen & Ground Crews

Bombers on the Ground


When not flying or on the line for maintenance, bombers were parked in a dispersed fashion around the three-mile perimeter track circling the runway.…

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